2_Cristina_Gomez_Polo_CGPGómez-Polo C. (CRISTINA GÓMEZ-POLO ) crisgodent@hotmail.com

2003 Degree in Dentistry. Faculty of Medicine of the University of Salamanca, Spain.

-2009 Master Degree in Implant-supported Prosthesis. Faculty of Dentistry of the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain.

-2012 PhD in Dentistry. Faculty of Medicine of the University of Salamanca, Spain.

-2013 Master Degree in Multivariate Data Analysis. Faculty of Medicine of the University of Salamanca, Spain.

I am currently a graduate student in the Faculty of Psicology (UNED).

2007 – Associate Professor in Dental Practicum. Faculty of Medicine. Department of Surgery, University of Salamanca, Spain

My research interests were dental color, aesthetic perceptions and dental rehabilitation-prosthesis. I have published 15 papers in journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports.