A methodological online course is available at METODOLOGÍA DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN CIENCIAS ODONTOLÓGICAS. It is especially advisable for those professionals aiming to start a research project in the Biomedical Sciences (PhD Dissertations). The course is divided into the following sections: Searching and selecting bibliography, Statistics, Meta-analysis, Research design, Experimentation, Complementary techniques, Laboratory Test..

This Master’s Degree course (60 ECTS) is a clinical teaching programme of the Department of Surgery of the University of Salamanca, where the theoretical section is given and evaluated online. The practical sessions are directed towards the acquisition of clinical competences for surgical and prosthetic management of full/partial edentulous patients. Visit http://implantoprotesis.usal.es to learn more about this programme. The admission period for students is still open.

for more information about our doctoral program visit us at http://doctorado.usal.es/es/node/29907

a contractual agreement between the BTi Institute (BTI Biotechnology Institute) and the University of Salamanca (since 2013) headed by our team member Professor López-Valverde (anlopezvalverde@gmail.com), which promotes research and teaching experiences related to the field of tissue regeneration.